B.C and A.D … Jesus is a pretty Big Deal

Brandy N. Smart
2 min readMar 26, 2020

The life and death Jesus Christ marks how we as a planet identify periods and time.

You have to be some kind of a big deal for time to be stamped by everything before you, Before Christ (BC) and after (AD) Anno Domini, and meaning the Year of our Lord.


When you observe historical events and biblical accounts be mindful of the times and how the empires and nations were ruled.

As this video above mentions the designation of A.D and B.C aid in chronicling World History. I took a World History course in college while attending Purdue. It was always interesting to me that I learned about the formation of the three major world religions of Judism, Christianity and Islam in world history.

Jesus was born during the time of the Roman and Egyptian empires collision — around the time Cleopatra (Egypt) and Mark Antony (Rome) were killed by Octavian (Rome). There is so much to understand about the modern world by observing the Roman and Egyptian empires.

The only daughter of Cleopatra and Mark Antony was Cleopatra Selene who ruled a territory called Mauritania with King Juba II. Juba discovered the Canary Islands.

The take over of the Canary Islands marked the beginning of the Discovery Age and the Colonization of the world.

These facts are a few items I have noticed that are very significant to how the Kingdom of God operates and how the Kingdom of this earth behaves. It helps better understand what Jesus meant in regard to Kingdoms, the church, temples and human behavior.

When studying history, religion and the ways of man be mindful that Jesus is a pretty big deal regardless of belief, behavior or following.

