It is worth Trillions … Crops, Coronavirus and Cocaine

Brandy N. Smart
5 min readMar 25, 2020


cotton plantation. A cotton plantation on the Mississippi, lithograph by Currier & Ives, 1884.Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (Digital file no. LC-DIG-pga-00675)

The agriculture industry is worth $2.3 trillion dollars. The avocado sector alone is worth $10 billion, cotton produces $16 billion and cherries are worth nearly $100 billion.

I see that the agricultural industry is not on the radar of most interested in acquiring wealth or entrepreneurship. People are still selling drugs and pursuing hoop dreams. Landownership should be a natural and essential method of income generation and tool of self sustainability.

The onset of the worldwide #coronavirus pandemic must allow people to become awakened to the fact that they can not sustain themselves without the corporations, banks and governments that feed, house, clothe and tax them.

The downside of landownership is the indoctrination and spirit behind the practice of “owning” land. The land, our ground, this earth — should be open and free for all of the inhabitants of the planet.

The introduction of land ownership came with European colonization in the 1400's. Colonization and the Age of Discovery emerged while people of the America, Australia, and Africa were simply living on the territory of their birth. We call these people “indigenous” but they are no different. These were not ancient people of a primitive nature. These are simply the inhabitants that lived in a place prior to it being colonized. In the 1400's there were people living in America and there were people living in Europe. There are no differences other than lifestyle, beliefs and behavior.

The indigenous were those not living in the way of the earthly “Kingdom”.

Humans from Europe #thecolonizers decided to make up rules they have called laws so that they could have access to the land and force people to have money to utilize it, making them pay rent, taxes, and other fees to live.

It is actually rather odd and evil when you hold the proper perspective. Humans living free on the earth as God intended then others come into their realm and force them into a lifestyle of servitude called employment or slavery. They erect laws, enforcement, and a monetary system that leaves them a “rulers of the people”.

The natural resources God created on this planet for human to be sustained — were hoarded by a few humans who wanted to feel like they were and are Gods and/or Kings. They took the natural resources and have made people beg, work or become enslaved to be sustained, live or access the land and utilize basic God given ground, water, trees, crops, resources, minerals and materials.

#decolonization of the world is necessary but it won’t come easily. It is a rooted in the spirit of man, in the belief structure and thoughts.

In recent months CEO’s of many major corporations have stepped down. It is of my opinion that they fully understand that the world is being run on a system of covert slavery and they may not want to be responsible for what is to come.

The human population on the planet can not sustain themselves in terms of providing for their basic needs. Most people have no ability to feed themselves without access to corporate provision and allowances from the governments that rule the nations and the world.

Many people will die, not because of the infection of the coronavirus but because they won’t be able to take care of themselves after corporations stop functioning and the systems of healthcare, education and the labor force are brought to their knees.

Before colonization and in some parts of the world people live freely as God intended for humans. The earth has all that human beings need to live, thrive and survive. There is nothing wrong with building your own shelter, growing your own food and living peacefully with villages of family. If we work together we can live in a global village and utilize the modernized accommodations of the developed world.

In order for the world to rebound from the evil entrapment of colonization and man’s kingdom there must be a reeducation of the masses.

The reeducation must include a proper understanding the science behind the existence and functioning of the universe, earth, nature, human being and our brain. We must relearn to love, be conscious, take care of ourselves and each other.

These topics will be essential and we will also have to teach people how to grow food, take care of the land and water supplies. People must learn the healthy survival skills of building and crafting.

We have to function with the spirit of love to transition. We aren’t going back to the way of life prior to the Age of Discovery but a new age has come.

I believe that this is the beginning of the destruction and dismantling of the systems that the world has been living under. These systems which have been built and ruled by the spirit of what most religions call the devil. A spirit of greed, lust, war, selfishness, destruction, money, lies, and ego.

Observe the bible story of Moses and understand the posture of the Pharaoh in terms of the formation of the kingdom and his role as king. A good movie to watch is Disney’s The Prince of Egypt. The Pharaoh’s of Egypt and European Kings believed that they were Gods and because of this self deification these individuals felt that they had the ability and right to enslave other people and be worshiped. The same thing the biblical devil wanted.

Acquire an understanding of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman beliefs that created empires and the similarities of the modern day and the formation of our nation.

I don’t hold any prejudices or blame groups of people. Those that inhabit the earth currently were born into these systems and many have no idea the spirit that exists in our modern ways of life and the reality of what we live daily.

I am trying to blog and not write research papers. I began this medium account in order to publish an assignment when I was attaining my master’s degree. After that I used it as a journal to write out my thoughts.

Increasingly, my journaling has aligned with what I see in the world and what my education has taught me. I could dig deeper into this topic and provide various sources. I hold off from making my writings public because I feel they are not complete. I was trained to write on average 20 page research papers and when I don’t provide detail, properly cited information I won’t share in fear of misleading anyone.

I want to share and I realize I have to be brief in my writing and speaking.

I strongly encourage people to research, use Google but also the libraries which are widely accessible online. Understand that “the media” includes books, movies, television shows, radio broadcast, print newspapers, scholarly journals, the internet, graphics, and any form of shared information.

Use your personal observation along with books, media, other peoples accounts and your view of the world to see more clearly.

