Sellout, Capitalist or Mastermind? The Power People Don’t See

Brandy N. Smart
2 min readAug 20, 2019

A play of power NOT race in America … Money moves not a movement

Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty images for city of Hope Jay-Z speaks onstage during the City of Hope Spirit of Life Gala 2018
SANTA MONICA, CA — OCTOBER 11: Jay-Z speaks onstage during the City of Hope Spirit of Life Gala 2018 at Barker Hangar on October 11, 2018 in Santa Monica, California. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for City of Hope)

I have tried to ignore this but I decided to observe the situation briefly as it pertains to the media, leadership, corporate power, rule and society.

A few things … This is a move of power with the use of social influence by Mr. Carter. He understands the influence that he has and one can acquire and manage large amounts of mental real estate by taking specific actions. Developing an empire utilizing the the mind and heart power of millions.

Nothing is about race other than the play on emotion around race in America, to draw the energy and attention of the masses.

The hot button topic of race in American is lucrative. Pushing the race button is what elected the 45th President into office. Get the people going is the goal.

It is not about the black market, white market or social justice. The targeted market here is everyone who gets embroiled, emotionally charged and tuned in to anything regarding race, celebrities, the music industry, and the world of sports.

People do not understand how their attention, focus, and energy translates into power and money to be captured. We put people in positions of power by giving our attention to them, their programming, following their moves and spending on their events.

If the masses were not so enamored with entertainment, sports, celebrities and media stimulants the NFL would not have the power nor influence that it possesses. Think of the people as the Romans watching slaughter in the Colosseum, mindless and driven by emotion and provocation.

People think social change happens when someone takes a knee or a black man buys into a power structure of the 1% … Not hardly, what it does it get the people’s attention.

Social change occurs with the directed understanding and attention of society collectively focusing on the same act. People with this influential power have a choice and an ability to lead a segment of society with their messaging.

Ultimately, people want what they want and honestly, most people want to be stimulated. The topic of race, rappers, and football are stimulants in America.

No one man can change anything or anyone but one man can influence millions because they allow it and follow with their attention, hearts, and minds.

First I snatched the streets, then I snatched the charts. First I had they ear, now I have their hearts … Jay Z

What will Jay Z do with this new position of power?

We do not know but bet your bottom dollar millions will be “following” and giving their energy and focused attention. The money will flow to the NFL and millions will be made by incorporating one that the people will follow, Hov.

